Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Call calculator is a program designed with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and programmed in Visual Basic. The program shows how to of addition of 2 numbers and the result displayed on the calculator. This can be further programmed to inculde other BODMAS( Brackets of Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction) equations and calculations. The Call Calculator program is able to be added to programs made utilizing Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 and above.Call calculator is a program designed with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and programmed in Visual Basic. The program shows how to of addition of 2 numbers and the result displayed on the calculator. This can be further programmed to inculde other BODMAS( Brackets of Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction) equations and calculations. The Call Calculator program is able to be added to programs made utilizing Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 and above.Call calculator is a program designed with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and programmed in Visual Basic. The program shows how to of addition of 2 numbers and the result displayed on the calculator. This can be further programmed to inculde other BODMAS( Brackets of Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction) equations and calculations. The Call Calculator program is able to be added to programs made utilizing Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 and above. The source code is available from .
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